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XkyFire Maps

Zoomable and pannable, you will be able to see recent lightning activity throughout your region and right down to a specific address or coordinates. Most warning services only allow you to zoom to a very general region, but with XkyFire RealTime Lightning you will be able to see with a very high degree of accuracy where lightning has recently occurred, and from this, infer the direction storms are tracking in.

Demo Mode - This map displays a daily 'snapshot' of strikes sensed by the XkyFire Network (Not "Real-Time")

In demo mode users cannot use full screen to view the map, filter which data to display, view archived data, or use account management features.

Specifically Relevant

Do you want to see that there is general lightning activity in your region, or do you need to be able to see individual strikes with exact locations? Golf Course operators, outdoor festivals and many others need to know exactly when lightning is nearby, and see precisely when it will affect them. And just as valuable as public safety readiness is understanding when it is safe to resume normal operations again safely. With XkyFire RealTime Lightning you get the precise information you need to make good judgements about operations.

Money Saving

What does it cost to suspend operations for an hour?
What is the seasonal cost of suspending operations for an hour every day? With XkyFire RealTime Lightning Services you will be able to ignore lightning that will not directly impact your operations, even when storms might seem nearby. Fully objective determination about proximity of strikes will allow you to keep business rolling more often, reduce storm related closures, and still preserve, or even increase safety during operations.

Replay Storms

All lightning data is archived for later retrieval. You will be able to reanimate storms as they actually occurred and identify to the 1/1000th of a second strikes that might have affected you. Replay an entire day, week or month, or just reanimate one particular storm. Amazing data to access, you will gain greater situational awareness surrounding storm activity than ever before and see how it is becomes possible to deduce exactly where storms are headed next.