XkyFire: Web-based, available year-round, and providing coverage for all of North America, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
When you create an account with XkyFire, your facilities are automatically generated within our database and immediately drawn on the base map. From that point on alerts and warnings will be generated every time lightning is seen to have occurred, or is seen to be imminent, in proximity to your location. You set the range that you need to receive warnings within, XkyFire does the rest.
Alerts are transmitted to cellular telephones through SMS (Simple-Message-Service) text, eMail, and strikes can also be viewed in real-time on any screen with an internet browser. Subscribers set-up and then manage their own alert contact list, and users may access data anytime, twenty-four hours per day.
Lightning information is generated when a network of sensors feeds signals to data collection software on XkyFire computer servers. That data is then assembled for viewing on user-friendly maps that can be zoomed, panned and turned. Sensors, and computers have inherent redundancies built-in, and the entire system is monitored continuously.
Creating an account and defining an alerting site that is immediately available for use takes less than ten minutes. Various subscription types are available for year-round use, or even short-term “event” coverage. Choose the service that fits your need, and within a price range that you can afford.
XkyFire is for lightning safety to be sure. But being able to see when a storm is likely to miss your facilities has value too. The XkyFire service provides subscribers the situational awareness needed to make good operational decisions in real-time!
Lifeskill Rescue Services Ltd.
Box 2457, Banff, Alberta, Canada, T1L1C2